Valentin Dikul Kettlebell Juggling

Valentin Dikul is an amazing man. He broke his back as a circus performer at a young age. Despite doctors telling him he wouldn’t walk again he went on to do much more than that.

After rehabbing himself, Valentin Dikul went back to the circus to do many amazing feats like the kettlebell juggling shown below. This is a 180 lb. or possibly even 90 kg kettlebell the he snatches and does one hand flips with!

He has done many other amazing feats in his act as and outside including some unofficial powerlifting records with massive weights.

Currently Valentin Dikul runs a number of clinics over Russia devoted to helping others overcome their spinal injuries. Their success rate is quite high.

In strength,
Logan Christopher

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Leave A Reply (3 comments so far)

  1. Anthony
    15 years ago

    Never ever did I think anything like this was possible.

  2. gene
    15 years ago

    let him try to juggle 3 pink 7 pounders though and he would crumble like the berlin wall. only large americans are capable of that!

  3. Chinki
    10 years ago

    This is my very first CrossFit!!!! This day and video really means a lot to me!!!(let us know the sept date plsaee be aware of osu football game saturdays . I got all home games this season)

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