As I’ve mentioned before I was an Assistant at a recent Russian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC) Certification in San Jose, California. Several people came up to me saying “Hey, you’re the kettlebell juggling guy aren’t you?” or something to that effect.
I said yes and offered to help them out to do some juggling themselves if they wanted. A couple people took me up on the offer.
One thing that has become clear is that in all things, and definitely in kettlebell juggling too, is that people want to get to the advanced stuff quickly.
How do you do this one flip? First show me what your basic flip with two hands looks like. If you can’t do that smoothly and easily you can’t be going on to the more advanced stuff.
Just like if you can’t properly swing a kettlebell you should be taking care of that before you even try snatching or juggling.
Here’s a video from the event. Just flowing from one exercise to another with a light bell, 16kg.
If you listen closely you can even hear Pavel in the background.
In strength,
Logan Christopher
Tags: 16kg, kettlebell flip, kettlebell jugling, Kettlebell Video, pavel
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Dan Cenidoza
15 years ago
Absolutely incredible! That between the legs turn around stuff was fantastic!