Kettlebell juggling is probably the one of the most enjoyable ways to build strength and get in shape. If you get bored of doing just straight swings or snatches for hundreds of reps why not mix it up?
The benefits of doing so are more than just to break up the monotony. Kettlebell juggling will teach you explosive strength from every angle. In front, to the sides, from low, with arms overhead, and behind the back just to name a few. And you have to use your legs to help with all these moves especially as you move up in weight.
If you think normal swings are winding you don’t know how much harder it is move a kettlebell through all these positions. Because you’re working from less advantageous positions and often at a quicker pace you’ll feel it faster. This means more benefit in less time.
Plus the kettlebell moves on a non set path. With a regular swing, clean or snatch the move follows the same arch for each move. Not so with kettlebell juggling. The kettlebell can and will go every which way. It will improve your coordination and mobility just being able to release and catch the bell’s handle as it flips and rotates.
Back in the day I wasn’t the most coordinated fellow. But now having practiced this I feel I’m better able to pick up on any physical task be it simple or complex. This really only scratches the surface of some of the many benefits kettlebell juggling offers.
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to get started. Just start with the basics and progress from there. Some moves you’ll be able to pick up instantly and others you’ll have to spend a bit of time practicing.
Its actually amazing how quickly you can make progress in this field. Just the other day for example my friend asked me if I could do an Over-the-Shoulder Flip and catch it in the same hand. I had never thought about doing this but with a little practice I had a new trick in my repertoire.
Just add one or two moves each time and you’ll improve big time. With the new kettlebells juggling tricks comes more fun, and more strength.
I’m proud to offer what I believe (and have heard from others) is the best instruction on kettlebell juggling in The Definitive Guide to Kettlebell Juggling.
In strength,
Logan Christopher
Tags: conditioning, Coordination, Kettlebell Juggling, over the shoulder flip, strength, Swings
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Annie Metcalfe
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