Kettlebell juggling is already advanced kettlebell training. But in this post we’re going to cover advanced kettlebell juggling. This video shows of some of the trickier moves possible with a kettlebell, like bottoms up juggling, fancy footwork and more.
I know a lot of people want to move onto the trickier and better looking moves quickly, but remember this. If you don’t master the basics you’ll just be frustrated trying these harder moves.
You should strive for control. If you regular flips and spins are all over the place you are lacking the control needed for more difficult moves. Stick to the basics and make the bell do what YOU want it to do, not what IT wants to do.
Then and only then, should you move up to these advanced moves.
In strength,
Logan Christopher
P.S. If you want the step-by-step instruction on these moves and many others check out The Definitive Guide to Kettlebell Juggling.
Tags: advanced kettlebell training, advanced moves, bottoms up juggling, footwork, Kettlebell Exercise, Kettlebell Video
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